Mrs. Leonora Claudia Vidal Glasper was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She graduated with a Bachelorette of Arts in Physical Education by the University of Gama Filho. Her first job was with VASP (Brazilian Airlines) and then PAN AM (American Airlines). After PAN AM Airlines closed down Mrs. Glasper had the opportunity to come to the United States of America. She arrived in the United States of America in 1990 and married Mr. Tracy Allen Glasper, a former Lead Systems Analyst for Memorial Hermann Healthcare Systems and now an Independent Consultant in 1991. However, was not until 1993 after her first child was born that she started working in Education. Her first employment in Education was with a school called Texas Learning Institute, where she was hired to teach English as a Second Language to business adult learners, the majority being from Latin countries.
Shortly after Mrs. Glasper started teaching in Texas Learning Institute, she was offered a position at Houston Community College also teaching English as a Second Language for adult learners. Mrs. Glasper worked at Houston Community College until 1998 when she started her career at Public Schools.
She first started at Houston Independent School District, she taught bilingual education (English/Spanish) to second and third grade students at two different Elementary Schools (Eighth Avenue Elementary and Crawford Elementary), she says she enjoyed her children very much. Then she decided to use her degree in Physical Education and made a jump to the high school level, where she became a Physical Education teacher and a Volleyball Coach at Sharpstown High School.
In 2004 still in Houston Independent School District, Mrs. Glasper accepted a position at Fonville Middle School as a Teacher Specialist, she then finished her Masters Degree in Counseling and was promoted to a Bilingual Counseling position. Mrs. Glasper worked at Fonville Middle School in Houston Independent School District as the Middle School Bilingual Counselor until she was hired as the Lead Counselor at Claughton Middle School in the Spring Independent School District.
After her tremendous success as a leader at Claughton Middle School, Mrs. Glasper become the Academic Dean for the first Early College High School at Spring Independent School District. Mrs. Glasper was one of the pioneers and key leaders responsible for the opening of that school. She then completed her second Masters in Education, this time in Leadership and School Administration. Both Masters from Prairie A & M University.
In 2013, Mrs. Glasper decided to take a position much closer to home to pay more attention two both of her daughters who were starting College at the time and her son, who was in Middle School. As a Senior Counselor at Cypress Springs High School Mrs. Glasper became very influential in the lives of many children. She has created and implemented several programs to assist high school students be able to graduate and start their college/professional careers and become very successful.
The letter from the College Board
Good morning!
I hope you are having a restful and blessed morning!
I want to share some good news with you! I went to my mailbox at work yesterday and I found something really nice.
A letter from the College Board saying that I have been nominated for the College Board Recognition Program. Along with a letter from the College Board, they sent me a very nice pin that says College Board Counselor Recognition.
This is a very honorable recognition! It feels good to know we are appreciated!
I just thought it was nice to share with you guys.
Have a beautiful weekend!
Mrs. Glasper believes that success starts at home and she proves that when she mentioned her own children. All three of them graduated from the same school where she currently works, and they are all very successful. Her oldest daughter, Leonidia Mone Glasper (26 years old) graduated from Sam Houston State University with a Major in Business Administration and a Minor in Criminal Justice.
Leonidia is now on her last year of Law School at Thurgood Marshall School of Law and will be graduating in May of 2019 with a Doctor of Jurisprudence. Louise Amalia Glasper (25 years old), graduated with two Degrees from the University of Texas in Austin. She earned a Degree in Corporate Communications and the second Degree in Portuguese. She also received a Certification in Informatics from the University of Texas in Austin, and she now works as a Systems Analyst at Texas Children Hospital.
Trey Christopher Glasper (18 years old) is studying Civil Engineering at Texas A & M University and is a member of a Leadership Organization for Freshmen Engineers at Texas A & M. Even though Mrs. Glasper has received innumerous awards and nominations throughout her career as an educator, I would like to point that she has just received a very honorable nomination.
Mrs. Glasper has been nominated to be part of the College Board Recognition Program. This is an important recognition because the College Board is a National Organization. She has been nominated for her hard work and dedication to helping all students with the opportunity to succeed. Also, for going the extra mile to support the students and their families as they are guided down the road to college and career success.
Mrs. Glasper believes that her inspiration and desire to help others comes most of all from her strong faith in God. She believes that her job is truly a mission and not an employment. Knowing how successful her and her husband were in raising their three children, she is determined to offer her talents and knowledge to help other families also get their children to a future full of accomplishments, prosperity and success.
Mrs. Glasper says that “It takes a village to raise a child”, and as an educator she believes that is her duty and responsibility to make sure every student has a fair opportunity in education and is never left behind.
We would like to thank Mrs. Glasper for all she does for our children. It’s Counselors like her who really make a difference in student’s lives.
Por Sergio Lima
Bravo Sergio sua matéria sobre nossa querida amiga/irmã Leonor. Ela e um exemplo para todos nós , mulheres, homens que com garra , fé , persistência e trabalho todos podemos alcançar nossos sonhos e objetivos na vida. Que podemos sim conciliar trabalho, família , sempre colocando Deus em primeiro lugar . Dividindo o que há de mais nobre em nos: “ nossa fé”. Sabendo que a abundância do amor de Deus tem que ser dividida com nossos semelhantes em todas as áreas que atuamos em nossa vida. Leonor sempre está de braços abertos para acolher a todos com uma palavra de incentivo, amor , ajuda em todos os momentos. Sou testemunha de como suas palavras e carinho tem me ajudado em momentos difíceis. O que mais admiro nela e que nunca perdeu sua humildade mesmo com todos os títulos e conquistas que adquiriu ao longo de sua jornada. Aplaudo de pé a você Leonor. Que Deus continue te abençoar abundantemente junto com sua família. Que você continue a tocar e fazer a diferença na vida de todos que tiverem o previlégio de te conhecer. Você faz o mundo melhor por existir. Grande beijo no seu coração.🌹❤️
Connie minha grande amiga! Após ler esse lindo comentário chorei muito de emoção, pois você é uma das pessoas que me inspirou quando eu cheguei nesse país. Você também uma grande mulher, guerreira, determinada, linda por dentro e por fora e sem duvida muito inteligente. Uma verdadeira lady, sempre batalhando por uma vida melhor, cuidando de sua família (dois belos filhos, hoje muito bem sucedidos) e de seu marido Jimmy que também é uma pessoa exemplar. Porém de todas as suas lindas qualidades, que são muitas, o que mais admiro em você é o coração que tem e a solidariedade e humanidade que sem duvida te faz uma pessoa única e digna de muita admiração. Por causa de pessoas como você existirem nesse mundo, pessoas como eu têm a oportunidade de alcançar seu objetivo na vida. Eu agradeço a Deus por você e sua família e peço à Ele que abençoe à você e aos seus abundantemente!
Com muito amor e carinho,
Leonora Claudia Glasper e família
Obrigada minha querida amiga por suas palavras gentis. E muito bom saber que ao longo da nossa jornada podemos contar com o apoio e carinho de amigos como você e sua família. Minha eterna gratidão a você por todo seu incentivo e o ombro amigo nos momentos que precisei. Deus a Abençoe junto à sua família. Beijo.🙏❤️