The Best – The Legacy of Champagne in Brazil.


Por Osvaldo Tetaze Maia.

If there’s a word that means the same thing all over the world, has the same sound when you heard it, as well as brings the same image to your mind, certainly is “Champagne”! We can name dozens of words that are already incorporated in any local language in its original writing, and mostly are the words of the new technology and of the new generation of the social media.

When we listen or read the word Champagne we always think in the famous sparkling French wine. Nowadays, the world recognizes Champagne as the region of north-east of France, land of the famous sparkling wine.

France, Champagne region in red

According the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, the Romans were the first to plant vineyards in this area of northeast France, with the region being cultivated by at least the 5th century, possibly earlier. When Hugh Capet was crowned King of France in 987 at the cathedral of Reims, located in the heart of the region, he started a tradition that brought successive monarchs to the region with the local wine being on prominent display at the coronation banquets.

Reims, Champagne, France

There is a crucial point to better understand the difference between sparkling wine and Champagne, because all champagne is sparkling, but not all sparkling wine is champagne.

The sparkling name is given to every wine that undergoes two natural fermentations. The first of these is the alcoholic fermentation, common to all wines, that turns grape sugar into alcohol and occurs in tanks or oak barrels.

Fermentation process in tanks

Other crucial point to understand this matter, is that when the sparkling wine acquires the effervescence it can occur in pressurized stainless steel tanks (charmat method) or can be made in the bottle itself (champenoise or traditional / classic method). As a result, sparkling wines can be produced in different locations with different processes and grapes.

Now, let’s go to the controversial term “Champagne”. Briefly, Champagne is a sparkling white wine produced in the Champagne region of north-east France.

To receive this nomination, the drink must be produced in the administrative region of Champagne-Ardenne and must be made with Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay grapes, grown within this delimited region, respecting strict production methods.

The brand name champagne is rigorously controlled in France by an Entity named “Domination of Origin Controlled”, established in 1927 and protected with great vigilance.

The control is so strict that there are even examples of such cases as the Commune of Champagne, a locality with 660 inhabitants, situated in Switzerland, which had to leave out the name Champagne in the (non-sparkling) wines produced in its territory according to an agreement between Switzerland and the European Union in December 1998.

For the same reason, the high-fashion company Yves Saint-Laurent had to stop the launch a perfume that had called Champagne. The nomenclature had to be modified and the perfume was marketed under the name of Yvresse.

However, there is a little fact in Brazil that must be showed to the public, because despite the prohibition all over the world to use the brand name in any sparkling wine that is not produced in the norht-east region of France, there is one Winery in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, one of the best regions in South America for grape production, “Vinícola Peterlongo” – Peterlongo Winery – that still has the rights to produce and marketing in Brazil its Champagne, and the history of how it happened is pretty amazing.

Peterlongo, the 1st (and unique) Champagne in Brazil

While all wine producers all over the world had to abandon the Champagne nomenclature, in Brazil, more precisely in the mountains of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the Peterlongo Winery was able in the 1970s to obtain authorization from the Federal Supreme Court to keep the name champagne on its labels. This happened because the drink began to be produced there with the required process, before the regulation of 1927 in France. After a long legal process in the seventies against a French Company, Peterlongo Winery won the right to use and disclosure the name in the presentation of its products in accordance with the Brazilian Law number 78.835.

Label of The decade of 1950

* A brief history about Peterlongo Winery

The state of Rio Grande do Sul was on Advertising in newspapers from decade of 1950 of the southern Brazilian region that received the first Italian families in the second half of the 19th century, and one of these families was formed by Manoel Peterlongo, an immigrant who brought remarkable development to Brazil.

The Brazilian Imperial Government’s project to promote colonization in Rio Grande do Sul resulted in an industrial success that strengthened the economy in several segments, and among the protagonists of the innumerable enterprises, was Manoel Peterlongo who was a Surveyor in Italy.

Map of state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil

Established around 1878 in the region where today are the cities of Garibaldi, Bento Gonçalves, Caxias do Sul, Gramado, among others, to demarcate land, the Italians did not fail to find a segment of industry that was still in its initial process of formation.

Garibaldi, southern Brazil, “Land of Champagne”

In his package of experience, Manoel Peterlongo brought a European conscience and the recipe to elaborate the delicious champagne. The method of this noble drink inspired Peterlongo to create a winery, whose project was consolidated over the time.

Manoel Peterlongo the first Italian Immigrant to produce sparkling wine in Brazil

Facing innumerable adversities to produce, Manoel Peterlongo persisted in a dream introducing noble caste of grapes to elaborate his sparkling wine. Today, the history of the sparkling wine Peterlongo represents a patrimony of the municipality of Garibaldi and one of the most emblematic marks of the Brazilian production of wines.

Peterlongo “Castle” in Garibaldi, southern Brazil

In 1915, with the help of the youngest son of Manoel, Armando Peterlongo, the winery expanded a production that strictly obeyed the criterion of Perignon. The natural fermentation in the bottle itself, which originated natural gas, was one of the differentials. The meticulous work of positioning bottlenecks down to remove impurities from the cork, and the required rotational movements, has successfully positioned the quality of Peterlongo sparkling wine on the market.

Bottle down stock

Bottle down stock

Armando Peterlongo

The fascination in elaborating a noble drink, which Manoel Peterlongo already tasted in Italy, was maintained by the son Armando Peterlongo, who innovated and expanded the production of natural sparkling wine during the 20th century.

Today the Winery belongs for another group of enterprises directed by its owner Luis Carlos Sella, who bought it in 2002, and this history is still pretty amazing, due to the extreme coincidence that occurred the facts that bring Sella to conclude one of the biggest deal of his life. Some could say that from heaven Mr. Peterlongo conducted him to that day in 2002 to the airport of Bento Gonçalves where Sella has another industry.

Luis Carlos Sella and his “Peterlongo Champagne” line

The entrepreneur Sella who pilots its own jet Cessna Citation in its wanderings around the Country, attributes to an incredible coincidence that how he learned that the Peterlongo Winery could be one of the best investments of your career.

Luis Carlos Sella and his Jet with a Peterlongo Champagne

Partner at the Rinaldi Motorcycle Tires factory in the city of from Bento Gonçalves, he was helping a friend from Manaus, Amazon, who was trying to buy an airplane Seneca which was parked in the airport of neighboring Garibaldi. When the friend went to get the plane, Sella found himself casually in the hangar with one of the winemakers of Peterlongo.

While the plane was prepared for the long transfer to Manaus, the winemaker said that the company where he worked was experiencing serious financial difficulties, and that bankruptcy was imminent. This fact triggered the entrepreneurial instinct of Sella, who until that day had never been interested in wines and winery, much less in vineyards, caves or even oak barrels. Immediately he asked to the Peterlongo employee to schedule an interview with the owners of the winery.

A week later, Sella attended the meeting driving an old Ford Escort that belonged to one of his collaborators in the Rinaldi Tire factory, since he wasn’t with his car that day. The simplicity of the vehicle driven by the unknown who wanted to buy one of the most traditional Brazilian wineries must have positively impressed the owners, imagined Sella.

But conversation evolved well and after a superficial assessment of the situation the business ended up being realized. Five days before the Judge decrees the Bankruptcy, Peterlongo Winery was “saved by the bell”, as use to say Sella, who concluded the deal to pay all debts and keep the centennial company running.

Champagne “Castle” in Garibaldi

Peterlongo has always been at the forefront of the Brazilian wine industry, because was the first winery to employ female laborers and the pioneer in the minimum wage for its workers, already under the management of Armando, in the 1930s. It conquered Brazil and reached the international market in the next decade, with its labels marketed by the Macy’s network, in New York.

Women working at Peterlongo Winery in the thirties

Peterlongo became a ubiquitous brand in official Brazilian solemnities of the time, baptisms of ships and airplanes, their sparkling wines were also part of the menu of banquets offered by several Brazilian governments and even the Queen Elizabeth II, of England, praised the “Brazilian Champagne” when she visited the country.

Peterlongo Winery still produces its traditional sweet filtered sparkling wine named “Espuma de Prata” (Silver Foam), best-selling in Brazil and Colombia, however, Sella has been investing for 15 years in the revitalization of vineyards and the fine sparkling wines from Peterlongo’s portfolio.

Peterlongo traditional “Espuma de Prata” sparkling wine

Since the great party of commemoration of the company’s 100 years in 2015, this process has been intensified, and the results begin to appear. Recently, the Sparkling Elegance Champagne Nature won the Top Ten in the National category of sparkling wines in the “Expovinis”, the largest wine fair in Brazil, held in São Paulo.

However, Peterlongo’s most attractive investment in recent years has been, without doubt, the hiring of the consultancy of the French enologist Pascal Marty, responsible for upgrading the winery’s top line. Formed at the prestigious Wine Institute of Bordeaux, France, Marty was winemaker of the legendary Baron Philippe de Rothschild S.A. for over 14 years, and responsible for some of the most daring and successful winemaking projects in the French industry all over the world.

Pascal Marty and Luis Sella

Even without completing Peterlongo’s recovery work, a Company that was considered “a cultural patrimony of Brazil”, and despite the sentimental attachment to the enterprise, Sella does not rule out the possibility to sell the company for an offer, well, let us say, irrecusable. Business is business and the wine industry is exciting. I can get out of it, but I will not go out of the wine world anymore, he says.

Luis Carlos Sella at the show room of Peterlongo in Garibaldi

Christmas night party at Peterlongo Winery Castle in Garibaldi


Por Osvaldo Tetaze Maia.

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BIOGRAFIA ****** Sérgio Lima, ex-jogador profissional de futebol, natural de Campos dos Goytacazes, começou sua carreira no Americano onde jogou em todas as categorias e foi campeão Estadual no ano de 1969. Em 1970, transferiu-se para o juvenil do América do Rio, tornando-se artilheiro da Taça Guanabara de 1973 e vice-artilheiro brasileiro Carioca de 1973. Em 1974, sua história foi ilustrada luxuosamente com o Internacional de Porto Alegre, Hexa Campeão Gaúcho invicto. Em 1975, formou um excelente time do Guarani de Campinas, com grandes jogadores, Ziza, Amaral,Renato, Miranda, Davi, Alexandre Bueno, Edinaldo, Erb Rocha, Sergio Gomes, Hamilton, Rocha. que foi base do Campeão em 1978. Em 1976, transferiu-se para o futebol mexicano onde ficou por 8 anos: Club Jalísco, e Atlas Fútbol Club ambos da cidade de Guadalajara, Morélia da cidade de Morélia, Michoacan e Union de Curtidores da cidade de Leon, Guanajuato. Em 1984, retornou ao Brasil para o Botafogo do Rio. ****** Em 1985 foi contratado pelo Cabofriense, da cidade de Cabo Frio,estado do Rio, onde encerrou sua carreira. Presente em Guadalajara na Copa do Mundo 1986 no México, trabalhou como comentarista esportivo na rádio local chamada "Canal 58" de Guadalajara. Após a copa do Mundo de 1986, começou sua trajetória de 30 anos, nos Estados Unidos da América,, onde foi convidado pela Universidade de Houston Texas, através do seu responsável o excelentíssimo Professor Franco para participar como instrutor do “Cugar Soccer Summer Camp” durante duas semanas. Na sequência, depois de várias participações, em diferentes Soccer Camps no Texas, fundou, oficializou e legalizou a Brazilian Soccer Academy com o apoio espetacular do grande amigo Skip Belt. Com experiência de muitos anos dentro do campo, passou conhecimento e os fundamentos básicos do futebol do Brasil para um número incontável de jovens americanos. ****** Convidado pelo consulado Mexicano, idealizou e apresentou o projeto Houston Soccer After School Program para City of Houston Park and Recreation em 1994, para benefício de crianças e jovens entre 6 a 17 anos. Isso ocorreu na área metropolitana da cidade, onde concentrava a grande maioria de crianças e jovens negros e mexicanos, na época estavam com extremo e grande problema social que os envolvia com drogas e as abomináveis gangues. Desafio aceito, e o programa foi desenhado, aproveitando a infraestrutura dos Parks da cidade. O passo a passo foi dividido em três fases básicas: 1 - Criou-se liga em cada Park, onde havia jogos entre eles. 2 – Todos os meses havia Torneios entre todos os Parks. 3 - Criou-se seleções para jogarem contra jovens das outros áreas, e diferentes estados, sempre cuidando com os mínimos detalhes dos dispositivos e ensinamentos básicos do respeitado futebol do Brasil, para atrair e motivar a todos. O requisito principal era estar e manter boas notas e presença na escola, para desfrutar dos benefícios, recebendo gratuitamente todos os materiais de primeira linha doados por um conhecido patrocinador. Finalmente, aos 17 anos tinham a oportunidade de receber uma bolsa de estudos para ingressar em uma universidade americana. Foi apresentado e aprovado e Sérgio se transformou em funcionário público da cidade de Houston por 17 anos, até a sua aposentadoria. Muitíssimos jovens foram beneficiados pelo programa mudando radicalmente suas vidas, as drogas e gangues desapareceram. Sérgio fez o curso de treinador da Federação Americana de Futebol, recebendo a "Licença National B' e assumiu como Coach principal da South Texas Soccer Select Team Open Age From 1994 to 1996, tornando-se o primeiro treinador brasileiro e negro "Afrodescendente" a dirigir a Seleção do Sul do Estado do Texas. ****** No ano de 1992, Fundou o Jornal Vida Brasil Texas, tornou-se editor, onde ficou por 28 anos, sendo 24 anos impressos e os últimos 4 anos digital em português. Fundou em 2004, a Revista Brazilian Texas Magazine, é seu Editor . A revista até 2015 foi impressa, em 2016, passou a publicação digital em inglês. ****** 1 - Compositor, teve participação do CD Brasil Forever 1997 da Banda brasileira no criada no Texas em 1993 com finalidade de promover a cultura do Brasil. Banda “Atravessados de Houston” – Texas, com tiragem de 10 mil CDs. Sérgio Lima teve a participação com 10 músicas 8 autorais e mais duas com parcerias. 2 - Compositor da música “I Love Rio”, escrita e inglês em homenagem ao Rio de Janeiro, com a luxuosa interpretação da excelente Elicia Oliveira em ingrês (Está disponível no YouTube). ****** Representou a comunidade brasileira do Texas na I Conferência “Brasileiros no Mundo”, realizada em maio de 2008, com uma extrema característica acadêmica. ****** A II Conferência “Brasileiros no Mundo”, realizada em outubro 2009, se desenvolveu com uma acentuada conotação política, tornando, em certos momentos, o diálogo tenso, desconfortável e, até certo ponto, cansativo, devido à falta de elasticidade de algumas lideranças, acostumadas, creio, a pontuar e determinar o rumo das conversas e decisões, em suas áreas ou comunidades no Palácio Itamaraty, no Rio de Janeiro, de iniciativa da Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão – FUNAG, órgão ligado ao Ministério das Relações Exteriores – MRE. ****** Sérgio criou o espaço Brasil especial na Biblioteca central da cidade de Houston e conseguiu doações de livros de algumas instituições das comunidades brasileiras de outros estados americanos para compor o espaço. Recebeu o Prêmio Brazilian International Press Ward, por 3 vezes, em reconhecimento pelos trabalhos como editor do Jornal Vida Brasil Texas em português, e revista Brazilian Texas Magazine em inglês – 2011. ****** ORIGINAL ARTICLE “AFRO DECENDENTES NA MÍDIA BRASILEIRA”. You are a winner for the 15th Annual Brazilian International PRESS AWARDS. Your outstanding performance and contribution for the Brazilian Culture was recognized by the Media and Cultural Leaders of the Brazilian Community in the United States. Join us for the 15th celebration of the Brazilian Cultural presence in the U.S. The Award Ceremony will be held at the Cinema Paradiso • Fort Lauderdale May 3rd 2012.


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