Alonso S. Perales (October 17, 1898 – May 9, 1960) was an American lawyer, diplomat, and civil rights activist based in Texas. He was a founder of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and served as the second president, helping write its constitution. Perales also served as a diplomat in the Eisenhower administration.

Early life

Perales was born on October 17, 1898, in Alice, Texas to Susana (née Sandoval) and Nicolás Perales. At the age of 6 his father passed away and at the age of 12 he was orphaned. He worked as a child and later married local bookstore owner, Marta Pérez.

Together, they adopted a daughter and two sons. Raised by Crecensio Treviño and Eugenia Naranjo, he attended school in Alice and later graduated from Draughon’s Business College in San Antonio in 1915.

The writings of Alonso S. Perales, displayed here in San Antonio with his wife, Marta, during the 1940s, are on display in the Special Collections of the MD Anderson Memorial Library until March 2025. Source photos – Courtesy of the Perales family.

When World War I broke out, Perales was drafted into the United States Army and worked as a Field Army Clerk. After serving, he received an honorable discharge in 1920. He then took and passed the civil service examination and moved to Washington D.C. where he worked for the Department of Commerce for about a year and a half.

Photo source Family archive – Mr. Alonso S. Perales, son and daughter Marta Perales Carrizales.

While in Washington D.C., he continued his studies, receiving a Master of Arts degree from the National University’s School of Economics and Government. He received his law degree from what would become the George Washington University Law School in 1925.  He moved to Texas shortly afterward as one of the first Mexican Americans to practice law in the United States.

Alonso S. Perales Conference & Exhibit: Marta Perales Carrizales speaks about her father.

Vídeo source – YouTube

Career Diplomacy

In the 1920s through the 1930s, Perales served as a diplomat, traveling to the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, Chile, and the West Indies on various diplomatic missions. Later, in 1945, he served as legal counsel to the Nicaraguan delegation at the United Nations Conference on International Organization (UNCIO), also known as the San Francisco Conference.

This conference took place from 25 April 1945 to 26 June 1945 in San Francisco, California. During this meeting, delegates reviewed the 1944 Dumbarton Oaks agreements and created the Charter of the United Nations.

 Photo source –

Civil right

Perales was active in civil rights advocacy and according to scholars, is one of the most influential Hispanic Americans of his time. He moved back to Texas and dedicated his life to combatting discrimination against people of Mexican descent through law, advocacy, and his writings, including two volumes of En Defensa de mi raza (In Defense of My People), first published in 1937.

These volumes included essays, letters, speeches, and work by other intellectuals on the problem of discrimination in Texas. His book, Are We Good Neighbors?, published in 1948 by Artes Gráficas, examined the discrimination, exploitation, and injustices faced by people of Mexican and Latin American descent throughout the United States.

Are We Good Neighbors? also includes affidavits from the public that detail these incidents of discrimination. In San Antonio, Texas, Perales collaborated with Maury Maverick. And in the 1940s, he petitioned to introduce a bill in the Texas legislature that would prohibit discrimination based on race.

Alonso S. Perales Conference & Exhibit: Raymond Alfonso Perales speaks about his father.

Vídeo source – YouTube


During the 1930s, Mexican Americans, as well as other communities of Latin American descent, began organizing in response to Juan Crow, or José Cuervo, laws in Texas. This resulted in the formation of Order of the Sons of America (El Orden Hijos de América) and the Order of the Knights of America (El Orden Caballeros de América), Mexican American organizations with various statewide chapters. Between 1927-1928, Perales and Ben Garza, leader of the Order of the Sons of America Council #4 in Corpus Christi, discussed how to merge these organizations.

In 1929, these organizations, along with the League of Latin American Citizens (headed by Perales), decided to merge to form the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). Perales, thus, joined Garza, Manuel C. Gonzales, Andres de Luna, Louis Wilmot, Rafael Galvan Sr., Juan Galván, Vicente Lozano, José Tomás Canales, Edwardo Idar, Mauro Machado, J. Luz Saenz, Juan C. Solis, and E.H. Marin to found what would become the oldest Hispanic civil rights organization in the country, LULAC. Perales, with the help of Canales and Idar, drafted the LULAC constitution.


Photo source – – LULAC’s assimilation ideology emerged during the mass deportations occurring in the Mexican Repatriation.

Perales went on to form LULAC Council 16 in San Antonio, Texas, and served as LULAC’s second president. As president of LULAC, he focused on the creation of 24 new councils across South Texas. According to the LULAC News (LULAC’s official newsletter), Perales helped to cement the organization’s spirit: “LULAC is much indebted to the efforts and sacrifices put forth by these pioneers like Alonso S. Perales. It was this spirit of courage – tenacity, and self-sacrifice – during the early history of LULAC that became known as the ‘LULAC Spirit.’

Among his efforts was also the 1930 defeat of House Resolution 6465, also known as the Box Bill, introduced by U.S. Representative John C. Box, which proposed expanding the Immigration Act of 1924 to include quotas on Mexican immigrants to the United States. Perales, together with his fellow LULACers, Canales and Garza, traveled to Washington D.C. to testify in US congressional hearings against the bill. The bill did not pass.

Honors and Memorial

In 1977, the Edgewood Independent School District in San Antonio named the Alonso S. Perales Elementary School in his honor. In 2011, the Perales family donated his archive to Arte Público Press and its historical arm, Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage program. The collection includes correspondence, historic LULAC papers and publications, photographs, and rare manuscripts.

It is housed at the University of Houston’s MD Anderson Libraries Special Collections. Shortly after the donation, the organization held a Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage academic conference dedicated to the work of Perales. The edited collection of scholarly essays, In Defense of my people: Alonso S. Perales and the development of Mexican-American public intellectuals, edited by Michael A. Olivas, was a result of the scholarship presented at the conference.

Using the collection stated above, A digital humanities project which illustrates visually the spread of these correspondences, documents, pictures, and manuscripts related to Perales and his work as well as information directly related to LULAC. The project is titled The Alonso S. Perales Correspondence.


En Defensa de mi raza, vol. I & II. (Artes Gráficas, 1937)

Are We Good Neighbors? (Artes Gráficas, 1948)

“La Evolución De La Raza Mexicana En Texas,” La Prensa (San Antonio, TX), Sep. 13, 1927.

Further readin

Cynthia Orozco. Pioneer of Mexican American Civil Rights: Alonso S. Perales. (Arte Público Press, 2020).

Michael A. Olivas (ed.), In Defense of My People: Alonso S. Perales and the Development of Mexican-American Public Intellectuals. (Arte Público Press, 2012).

Adela Sloss-Vento, Alonso S. Perales: His Struggles for the Rights of Mexican Americans. (Austin, Texas: Artes Graficas, 1977).

Amy Waters, Yarsinske. All For One, One For All: A Celebration of 75 Years of the League of United Latin American Citizens. (The Donning Company Publishers, 2004).


Por Segio Lima.

BIOGRAFIA ****** Sérgio Lima, ex-jogador profissional de futebol, natural de Campos dos Goytacazes, começou sua carreira no Americano onde jogou em todas as categorias e foi campeão Estadual no ano de 1969. Em 1970, transferiu-se para o juvenil do América do Rio, tornando-se artilheiro da Taça Guanabara de 1973 e vice-artilheiro brasileiro Carioca de 1973. Em 1974, sua história foi ilustrada luxuosamente com o Internacional de Porto Alegre, Hexa Campeão Gaúcho invicto. Em 1975, formou um excelente time do Guarani de Campinas, com grandes jogadores, Ziza, Amaral,Renato, Miranda, Davi, Alexandre Bueno, Edinaldo, Erb Rocha, Sergio Gomes, Hamilton, Rocha. que foi base do Campeão em 1978. Em 1976, transferiu-se para o futebol mexicano onde ficou por 8 anos: Club Jalísco, e Atlas Fútbol Club ambos da cidade de Guadalajara, Morélia da cidade de Morélia, Michoacan e Union de Curtidores da cidade de Leon, Guanajuato. Em 1984, retornou ao Brasil para o Botafogo do Rio. ****** Em 1985 foi contratado pelo Cabofriense, da cidade de Cabo Frio,estado do Rio, onde encerrou sua carreira. Presente em Guadalajara na Copa do Mundo 1986 no México, trabalhou como comentarista esportivo na rádio local chamada "Canal 58" de Guadalajara. Após a copa do Mundo de 1986, começou sua trajetória de 30 anos, nos Estados Unidos da América,, onde foi convidado pela Universidade de Houston Texas, através do seu responsável o excelentíssimo Professor Franco para participar como instrutor do “Cugar Soccer Summer Camp” durante duas semanas. Na sequência, depois de várias participações, em diferentes Soccer Camps no Texas, fundou, oficializou e legalizou a Brazilian Soccer Academy com o apoio espetacular do grande amigo Skip Belt. Com experiência de muitos anos dentro do campo, passou conhecimento e os fundamentos básicos do futebol do Brasil para um número incontável de jovens americanos. ****** Convidado pelo consulado Mexicano, idealizou e apresentou o projeto Houston Soccer After School Program para City of Houston Park and Recreation em 1994, para benefício de crianças e jovens entre 6 a 17 anos. Isso ocorreu na área metropolitana da cidade, onde concentrava a grande maioria de crianças e jovens negros e mexicanos, na época estavam com extremo e grande problema social que os envolvia com drogas e as abomináveis gangues. Desafio aceito, e o programa foi desenhado, aproveitando a infraestrutura dos Parks da cidade. O passo a passo foi dividido em três fases básicas: 1 - Criou-se liga em cada Park, onde havia jogos entre eles. 2 – Todos os meses havia Torneios entre todos os Parks. 3 - Criou-se seleções para jogarem contra jovens das outros áreas, e diferentes estados, sempre cuidando com os mínimos detalhes dos dispositivos e ensinamentos básicos do respeitado futebol do Brasil, para atrair e motivar a todos. O requisito principal era estar e manter boas notas e presença na escola, para desfrutar dos benefícios, recebendo gratuitamente todos os materiais de primeira linha doados por um conhecido patrocinador. Finalmente, aos 17 anos tinham a oportunidade de receber uma bolsa de estudos para ingressar em uma universidade americana. Foi apresentado e aprovado e Sérgio se transformou em funcionário público da cidade de Houston por 17 anos, até a sua aposentadoria. Muitíssimos jovens foram beneficiados pelo programa mudando radicalmente suas vidas, as drogas e gangues desapareceram. Sérgio fez o curso de treinador da Federação Americana de Futebol, recebendo a "Licença National B' e assumiu como Coach principal da South Texas Soccer Select Team Open Age From 1994 to 1996, tornando-se o primeiro treinador brasileiro e negro "Afrodescendente" a dirigir a Seleção do Sul do Estado do Texas. ****** No ano de 1992, Fundou o Jornal Vida Brasil Texas, tornou-se editor, onde ficou por 28 anos, sendo 24 anos impressos e os últimos 4 anos digital em português. Fundou em 2004, a Revista Brazilian Texas Magazine, é seu Editor . A revista até 2015 foi impressa, em 2016, passou a publicação digital em inglês. ****** 1 - Compositor, teve participação do CD Brasil Forever 1997 da Banda brasileira no criada no Texas em 1993 com finalidade de promover a cultura do Brasil. Banda “Atravessados de Houston” – Texas, com tiragem de 10 mil CDs. Sérgio Lima teve a participação com 10 músicas 8 autorais e mais duas com parcerias. 2 - Compositor da música “I Love Rio”, escrita e inglês em homenagem ao Rio de Janeiro, com a luxuosa interpretação da excelente Elicia Oliveira em ingrês (Está disponível no YouTube). ****** Representou a comunidade brasileira do Texas na I Conferência “Brasileiros no Mundo”, realizada em maio de 2008, com uma extrema característica acadêmica. ****** A II Conferência “Brasileiros no Mundo”, realizada em outubro 2009, se desenvolveu com uma acentuada conotação política, tornando, em certos momentos, o diálogo tenso, desconfortável e, até certo ponto, cansativo, devido à falta de elasticidade de algumas lideranças, acostumadas, creio, a pontuar e determinar o rumo das conversas e decisões, em suas áreas ou comunidades no Palácio Itamaraty, no Rio de Janeiro, de iniciativa da Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão – FUNAG, órgão ligado ao Ministério das Relações Exteriores – MRE. ****** Sérgio criou o espaço Brasil especial na Biblioteca central da cidade de Houston e conseguiu doações de livros de algumas instituições das comunidades brasileiras de outros estados americanos para compor o espaço. Recebeu o Prêmio Brazilian International Press Ward, por 3 vezes, em reconhecimento pelos trabalhos como editor do Jornal Vida Brasil Texas em português, e revista Brazilian Texas Magazine em inglês – 2011. ****** ORIGINAL ARTICLE “AFRO DECENDENTES NA MÍDIA BRASILEIRA”. You are a winner for the 15th Annual Brazilian International PRESS AWARDS. Your outstanding performance and contribution for the Brazilian Culture was recognized by the Media and Cultural Leaders of the Brazilian Community in the United States. Join us for the 15th celebration of the Brazilian Cultural presence in the U.S. The Award Ceremony will be held at the Cinema Paradiso • Fort Lauderdale May 3rd 2012.


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